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2023 Exhibitors Search

MetaImmuneTech Inc 

Exhibit Item
Bio · Medical · Pharma
Country Korea, South
Tel (Rep.) 044-860-1411
Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFhTBqAIhk

Company Introduction

MetaImmuneTech Inc is a biotech company located in Sejong, Korea. We're fueled by scientific curiosity, eager to decode the mysteries of single cells. We're dedicated to addressing global health challenges by providing precision tools. Our mission is to empower researchers worldwide and to lead digital healthcare industry. Cellytics, the world's first single cell analyzer using digital in-line holography, is dedicated to revolutionize the way to monitor individual immunity for a healthy life, offering unparalleled convenience anytime and anywhere.

Promotional Video

Exhibit Item

  • Product Name : Cellytics NK ? Rapid Immunity Check for All
    Cellytics NK is an innovative digital healthcare tool that checks your immune system using advanced technology, Lens-free Imaging Technology. It looks at a special type of immune cell called Natural Killer cells, important for your body's defense system, quickly and precisely.

Exhibit Description

Cellytics NK is an innovative digital healthcare tool that checks your immune system using advanced technology, Lens-free Imaging Technology. It looks at a special type of immune cell called Natural Killer cells, important for your body's defense system, quickly and precisely.

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